Mr. Pankaj Kumar Bansal, IAS
MD, National Coop Dev Corporation (NCDC),

Mr. Sundeep Kumar Nayak

Mr.Joseph B. Encabo
Chairman, Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), PHILIPPINES

Mr. K.B. Upreti
Chairman, National Coop Bank Ltd.,

Dr. P. S. Gahlaut,
Managing Director, Indian Potash Limited, INDIA


Md. Mashiur Rahman,
Secretary, Rural Dev & Coop Department Government of Bangladesh, BANGLADESH

Ms. Guo Naying,
Director, Department of Rural Cooperative Economy, MARA, CHINA

Mr. Bhima Subramanyam
MD, National Federation of State Co-operative Banks Ltd., INDIA

Mr. Dileep Sanghani,
Hon. President, National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI), INDIA

Mr. Rajbir Singh Panwar
MD, National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd., INDIA

Dr. C. Suvarna, IFtS
Chief Executive, National Fisheries Development Board, DoF,
Govt of India

Mr. Jyotindra M Mehta
President, National Fed of Urban Coop Banks and Credit Soc (NAFCUB), INDIA

Mr. Mahmood Heidari
CEO, Central Union of Rural Agricultural Coops of Iran (CURACI), IRAN

Mr. George Magutu
National Chairman, KUSCCO Ltd. KENYA

Mrs. Christie R. C. Plantilla
CEO, Federation of People’s Sustainable Development Cooperative PHILIPPINES

Mr. G. D. Keerthi Gamage
Commissioner and Registrar, DCD, SRI LANKA

Dr. Chandra Pal Singh,
Chairman, Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd. (KRIBHCO), INDIA

Dr. Ravi Khetarpal
Executive Secretary, APAARI, Thailand

Dr. Prasun Kumar Das
Secretary General, APRACA, Thailand

Mr Tomio Shichiri
Former Resident Representative UNFAO