BMPCUL, Bangladesh
Bangladesh Milk Producers’ Cooperative Union Limited (BMPCUL) was established in 1965 to bring cooperative based primary milk producers association to the organization and the name was rectified by the name “East Milk Producers Co-Operative Union Limited”.
BMPCUL was established to raise the family income of small farmers in rural milk pockets by providing a remunerative year-round cash market for milk through the co-operative system and to assure of support services for livestock development activities. It ensures an adequate supply of hygienic milk and dairy products to the urban population.
The cooperative is well-known throughout Bangladesh by the brand name of its products “Milk Vita” which has 70% market share of liquid milk in Bangladesh. Milk Vita makes necessary efforts to fulfill the demand for milk and milk products of city dwellers by collecting milk from farmers in several rural places in the country.
BMPCUL also provides technical assistance from animal health to milk processing, also animal services e.g. vaccinations and artificial insemination. This will help enhancing milk production of NEDAC members and their associates to overcome the marketing challenge, be independent, and proficiently manage their own farm.