RDCD, Bangladesh
Rural Development and Co-operatives Division (RDCD) is a Bangladesh government division formed since 1972 responsible for rural development and regulation of agricultural cooperative organizations.
RDCD developed “One House One Farm Project” (Ektee Bari EkteeKhamar Project) in 2009 to increase rural employment and development. RDCD formulates laws, rules, and policy for rural development of cooperatives, also programs and projects to alleviate rural poverty. They innovate new model/strategies through action research and assist entrepreneurs through micro-credit, co-operative based small and cottage industries, co-operative bank, co-operative insurance, co-operative based farming and marketing, milk and other cooperative enterprises.
RDCD would provide low cost loans at 4 percent interest to rural farmers who were growing non-major food grains, announced in the parliament in 2019 by the State Minister.