NCBL, Nepal
National Cooperative Bank Limited (NCBL), was established in 2003, as the only bank in the cooperative movement of Nepal at national level, in exercise of the power conferred by the sub-section 4 of section 26 under the then prevailing Cooperative Act, 1992 (first amendment, 2000) and from the recommendation of Nepal Rastra bank (Central bank of Nepal) as an umbrella institution.
NCBL is primarily established with the objective to meet the financial needs and launch different promotional activities to support its member cooperatives to be more professional and competitive. The promotion and strengthening the cooperatives address the country major socio-economic deprivations, poverty, unemployment and inequality etc.

NCBL is currently with about 13,500 member cooperatives covering all 77 districts and with rapidly growing number day by day, has already extended its network in 68 different places nationwide.
NEDAC and NCBL is currently working on capacity development of agricultural cooperative movement among NEDAC members and their associates which is highlighting on financial support and promotion and business to address the poverty, unemployment, and inequality etc.