This Constitution has been unanimously adopted in the General Assembly Session held at New Delhi, India on 15-16 November 2018.
Background of NEDAC
Considering the proposal made by ADG/RR, FAORAP in Singapore Consultation conclusion 34 in June 1989 and recommendation 9.1 of the Cooperative Ministers’ Conference in Sydney convened by the ICA/ROAP in February 1990 the agencies and institutions of the countries in the Asia and Pacific Region who are involved and concerned in the promotion and development of agricultural and allied sector cooperatives;
Recognizing the mutual advantages to be delivered through the exchange of technical
information know-how and experiences through regional collaboration;
Have decided to establish a regional network on agricultural and other associated cooperative development for Asia and the Pacific Region, hereinafter referred to as the “Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific”, also to be known by its acronym NEDAC which should be governed by the following provisions:
With a firm collective intent to advance what we believe is an inherent right as responsible members of the community of the earth particularly in Asia and the Pacific, we have come together to forge a strong Network to make life better for the peasantry in a continent where millions of people living in extreme poverty and hunger.
Knowing the trade and liberalization has caught on with the Asia and the Pacific economy with the free-flowing of goods, services, skilled labor, investment and capital, we can do no less but transform the agricultural cooperatives and allied sector cooperatives to become a solid sustainable development force to achieve food security, ecological integrity, inclusive growth and people empowerment.
As transformative cooperatives we will harness our collective potentials for people, planet, prosperity and peace.
It is the declared policy of the Network for Development of Agricultural Cooperatives (NEDAC) to foster the creation and growth of agricultural and other associated cooperatives as practical vehicles for promoting economic development and harnessing people power towards sustainable agriculture by pursuing sustainable use of natural resources while meeting society’s growing needs for decent and resilient livelihoods. As democratic, participatory organizations of rural poor, based on the principles of social cohesion, self-help and equity, agricultural and other associated cooperatives can be highly effective in preparing the masses to respond to threats to life, property and livelihoods from natural disasters and climate change. In addition, agricultural and other associated cooperatives have and can play a crucial role in promotion of farm practices that contribute towards climate change mitigation as well as adaptation.
Toward this end, the NEDAC shall ensure the multi-national impact of globalization on socio-economic life of the people of Asia-Pacific and its wider associated regions and their institutions, particularly the agricultural and other associated cooperatives to enable said cooperatives to gain from the enhanced economic growth and prosperity brought about by globalization and liberalization of national economies through equitable distribution of economic growth.
Further, the NEDAC recognizes and calls upon Governments to strengthen apolitical, democratic and autonomous character of agricultural and other associated cooperatives and to provide a positive playing field to said cooperatives to enable them to compete in the globalized market. Since globalization is founded on a fiercely competitive market place, there is an imperative need for agricultural and other associated cooperatives to build their capacity to compete by raising their management capacity.
The name of the network shall be “Regional Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific” with the acronym NEDAC.
• To sensitize governments on the need for promoting potential of Agricultural and Other Associated Cooperatives’ role in development particularly in the agricultural and rural development sector;
• To provide a forum for exchange of information and experiences and promote cooperation among member countries through joint efforts and the exchange of knowledge and experiences;
• To establish amongst its members an internal based system for data collection, exchange of information and experiences regarding agricultural cooperative development, with focus on enabling legal and policy frameworks of countries, cooperative enterprise development, capacity building/strengthening of agricultural cooperatives, promote agricultural fisheries and forestry-based commodity production, value-addition and marketing at national and regional levels;
• To strengthen the technical and managerial capacity of member-institutions especially in identification of problems and formulation of adequate solutions and encourage the countries’ self-confidence through recognition of their own resources, knowledge and skills;
• To establish and maintain close working relationships with international organisations particularly, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), International Labour Organisation (ILO), UNDP, IFAD, World Bank, EU, DFID, USAID, NORAD, SIDA, DANIDA, etc.; International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and regional organisations particularly ICA-ROAP, Asia-Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA)and other organisations pursuing similar or related objectives.
• To stimulate the capabilities and training of human resources at all levels and accelerate development through a more efficient utilization of human, physical and financial resources available;
• To establish market and trade linkages among cooperatives in the Asia and the Pacific countries and in their wider associated regions, for possible business development of their agricultural and associated products from complete value chain development perspective; and
• To document and disseminate success stories in regard to innovate interaction between governments and cooperatives.
• To promote capacity development of NEDAC member institutions and their personnel.
The Network shall be open for membership on voluntary basis to all eligible organisations/institutions in countries of the Asia Pacific and wider associated regions. The network shall have regular and associate membership. All the membership fees shall follow the calendar year pattern. Members must pay their annual membership fees ideally by 31st December, but in no case later than 31st March of the succeeding year in which case, special request mentioning the circumstances of delay in payment of membership fee shall be made to the Chairman who may decide the matter on its merits to grant delayed payment, but not later than 31st March. The conditions mentioned hereinafter, shall be the basis in determining whether the member-institution will be accepted as regular or as an associate member. The membership shall be open to all following organisations/institutions:
A. Regular Membership:
The regular membership shall be open to all the eligible organisations/institutions on voluntary basis upon payment of admission fee USD$500 and annual membership fee of US$2500.
The regular member shall come from any of the following institutions:
a. Government organisations / agencies: Ministries, Departments and Institutions with direct responsibility for agricultural and other associated cooperatives development;
b. Any cooperative organization/ federation/ association connected with agricultural and other associated cooperatives;
c. Parastatal organizations supporting agricultural cooperative development; and Cooperative Training and Research Institutions; Universities involved in or supporting agricultural cooperative development and International Organizations;
B. Associate Membership:
The associate membership shall be open to all the eligible organisations/institutions on voluntary basis upon payment of admission fee US $500 and annual membership fee of US$1500.
The associate members may include:
a. Institution qualified as regular member but opted to become an associate member
b. Any organization in the Asia-Pacific and wider associated regions supporting agricultural and other associated cooperatives development; and
c. Any cooperative organization from outside the region with particular interest in providing support to agricultural cooperative development in Asian and Pacific and wider associated region countries.
Associate Members shall not be represented in the Executive Committee and shall have no voting rights during the general assembly meeting. However, they are eligible to participate in the formulation of NEDAC policies/strategies and its programme of activities/work plan for agricultural cooperative development.
The FAO Regional Office; International Cooperative Alliance, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ICA-ROAP), ILO Regional Cooperative Development Unit and APRACA will be permanent invitees to the Network.
The obligations of Network members are as follows:
a. Attend the general assembly meeting regularly;
b. Promptly respond to the communication by Chairman or Secretariat of the Network on matters related to realize the plans and programs of the network;
c. Provide relevant information requested by members of the NEDAC;
d. Undertake any assignments that may be mutually agreed upon by the members of the NEDAC;
e. Settle financial obligations/membership fees in close consultation with the NEDAC Secretariat. Rescheduling of arrears or any other acceptable solution mutually agreed based upon criteria established by the Executive Committee will be effected by the Secretariat and the member concerned;
f. Collaborate fully with the Network in the fulfilment of the objectives and functions of NEDAC;
g. Discuss the programmes of the NEDAC with other members of NEDAC where they exist and convey their comments/decisions to the secretariat.
h. Arrange education, training and exposure visits to members of the NEDAC in their respective countries on mutually agreeable terms.
i. Promote trade among member organizations / countries; and
j. As may be desired by NEDAC from time to time.
Download NEDAC Constitution (PDF format)