Capacity Building


Capacity Building

NEDAC promotes national and regional-level activities to strengthen professional capacities of member organizations in the fields of business planning, enterprise development and management. It provides a forum for exchange/sharing of information and experiences on cooperative development and promote cooperation amongst member counties through joint efforts/field visits/workshops/seminars etc;


Residential International Senior Leadership Programme for Executives in Cooperatives

from 24 June 2019 to 28 June 2019 at Bangkok (click here for more details)


A planned visit to study agricultural cooperatives and other specialized cooperative activities in China has been postponed to 2009-2010.


A planned visit to study agricultural cooperatives in Sri Lanka could not take place due to unavoidable reasons.


Representatives of NEDAC member organizations from China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand visited a cooperative society in Mathura district in Uttar Pradesh State to learn about agricultural input, credit distribution and marketing of agricultural produce.


Nine cooperative officials from China, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand travelled to Bangladesh to study two cooperative enterprise models, dairy cooperatives and cooperative training facilities.


NEDAC member representatives from Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand visited agro-processing, dairy and fishery cooperatives in north and central Thailand

NEDAC members’ exchange visit/study tour to India to the Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Co-operative Management, Pune, selected cooperatives in Maharashtra, (Warnanagar Complex) and the ICDP-project in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.


Workshop on developing a training-of-trainers’ (TOT) manual held in Comilla, Bangladesh in collaboration with the Ministry of LGRD & Co-operatives and the Co-operative Department, Dhaka, with funding

support from FAO.


Study tour/exchange visit to Malaysia by 12 cooperative officials from Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal and Thailand to study cooperative development activities, especially those of FOA, Malaysia in supply of agriculture inputs, technology transfer, agro-processing, marketing and organizing savings/credit.