

Hybrid Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Development in Coconut Oil Production, Processing and Marketing”

The prospects and challenges of coconut oil were shared by various countries to benefit the entrepreneurs.

30 October 2021 / Zoom Conference Platform

The workshop “Entrepreneurship Development in Coconut Oil Production, Processing and Marketing” was jointly organized with LINAC-NCDC, India in a hybrid mode, physical mode at New Delhi, India and online mode through Zoom Conference Platform, on 30 October 2021. There were about 30 participants from 4 countries: India, Nepal, Bangladesh and USA, mainly NEDAC members and associates, coconut farmers and national cooperative institutions.

The overarching goal of the workshop was to bring various stakeholders on one stage and brainstorm the various possibilities for the promotion of entrepreneurship in this sector through cooperatives. The key beneficiaries of this workshop were the coconut farmers, coconut-based cooperatives, promising entrepreneurs, youth and women.

“cooperatives are playing a key role in economy sector of India coconut economic opportunities for farmers in India, Thailand and Philippines together account for 85% of the coconut production this workshop was really appropriate values and technologies for efficient production value chain is required. Value chain creating new opportunities and improving economic prosperity of farmers and other stake in the value chains addressed Chief Guest, Mr. Narendra SignhTomar, Federal Agri Minister of India. International Coconut Community (ICC) briefly presented the ICC activities and addresses the participants.

The workshop successfully mobilized the enthusiasm and experience of all panelists and participants and reached broad consensus on coconut oil production, processing and marketing which presented by the experienced speakers from various countries including India, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam; Dr. Prabodh Halde, Head Regulatory, MARICO Ltd., India; Ms. Divina D. Bawalan, Formerly Philippine Coconut Authority, Philippines; Mr. Annas Ahmad, Proprietor, VICOBAGOES, Indonesia; Ms. Peyanoot Naka, Vice Chairperson, Conservation and Development of Coconut Oil Forum of Thailand; Mrs. Ngo ThiKieu Duong, General Director, Wealth Dragon Coconut Cosmetic J.S.C, Vietnam. The VCO Production by Small Scale Producers in the Pacific, work of Ms. Divina D. Balawan, was presented by Mr. Badri Guragain, CEO of NCBL, Nepal.

Country focused opportunities and challenges were shared by the panelists from Bangladesh, Indonesia, India and Kenya which are really informative for the participants specially entrepreneurs in coconut and coconut oil industries.

The workshop was timely and appropriate to brainstorm and address the challenges of coconut oil/virgin coconut oil industries to enhance productivity and supply of coconut oil/virgin coconut oil processing. The health benefits of coconut oil/virgin coconut oil were also aware.

More on this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZnVhAg0vlM